Focus | Teen Ink


July 15, 2024
By JH619 BRONZE, San Diego, California
JH619 BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Behind every sweet smile, there is a bitter sadness that no one can ever see and feel." -Tupac Shakur

Focus up son, take a deep breath,

for once the day starts, everything begins anew. 

Life will be exceptional in this aimless wasteland, 

I may have some gray hairs but I haven't dropped yet. 


Focus up boy, hold your breath before taking the shot, 

miss by one singular inch and you'll get us all caught. 

Don't weep my boy, it's just for practice, 

I promise that you won't get hurt in this world at first. 


Focusing on the good in life is all you can do, 

no matter how bad it gets, at least you have a roof. 

You got the food, clothes, and a unique broken floor, 

you may not like it but its a life that others would adore. 


So hold your head up high even with these regretted things, 

for the day may come for you to die. 

So don't hold back in these times of need, 

for taking a life is as easy as losing a small little bead. 


So focus up boy and never lose your bead,

for a man may find it and take your soul for his needs. 

Work for yourself, no matter how bad life can be, 

or you'll end up just like me, eating with the flees. 


Focus up boy, patience is key, 

that's all you need to turn a man's head into paint. 

So don't squeeze yet and just calm down, 

all you need is for that man to freeze. 


Son, don't mind the red on my clothes,

it's just a little pinch in the stomach from your hectic wind. 

So run, faster than their gas powered vehicles, 

for the ghost of my past has attacked in the present. 


I'm focused dad, I promise that I am, 

I've grown from that time and even left that wretched land. 

The land of peace is where I live now, 

the one we focused on moving to for all these years. 


I'm sorry for not being focused then, 

you have left this world and yet I'm here in my den. 

Living life to the fullest to carry on your life, 

I may be alone but that's my strife. 


So goodbye dad, I've come a long way, 

away from the danger, blood, and gore. 

Away from that broken floor that you oddly loved to adore, 

no longer focused on that treacherous place, and into this new world without you on my land.

The author's comments:

The life of a father and son in a wasteland 

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