Blue Spring Sky | Teen Ink

Blue Spring Sky

July 13, 2024
By LucySteward PLATINUM, New York, New York
LucySteward PLATINUM, New York, New York
31 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Blue Spring Sky

Earth’s painter has drawn

Blue spring sky

From dusk to dawn

Pastel of the night

Silver of the wind

Joy of the light

Wrinkles of your skin

Green of the bush

Hides a newborn fawn

Violet of the sagebrush

That a bird perches on

Love of the mother

Do you hear her heart

A world like no other

Do you see it fall apart

This place we hold dear

With colors and memories that were

But in the future

Will it still be here?

What will happen to the painters canvas

This wonderful world we call home

When the earth crashes above us

The author's comments:

Lucy Steward is a high school junior in New York City. Her works have been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and appeared in the Authoethnographer, Humans of the World, Poet’s Choice, Sad Girl Diaries, and Teen Ink. A writer,  poet, and lover of history she is currently working on her first novel and is constantly slipping into fantasies that feel as real as the world around her. Lucy is also a classically trained pianist, a songwriter, and in a rock band. As anyone does, she loves a good night's sleep.

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