In the Eyes of our Earth | Teen Ink

In the Eyes of our Earth

July 12, 2024
By LucySteward PLATINUM, New York, New York
LucySteward PLATINUM, New York, New York
31 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The eyes of people do not see

The wrongs of justice in this world we live in

They do not see

The broken balance between humankind and the wonders of nature

Do you not hear the wails of the living beings that have nowhere to go

 when their homes are destroyed for human settlements?

Do you not see how skinny and underfed these starving animals

become because of global warming, the same global warming

that we have caused?

Do you not know how many animals die from choking on and

digesting the plastic we have made, which they mistook

as food?

Do you not feel a twinge of sympathy for the wonders of

this world that is crumbling by the second?

The eyes of the people do not see

We must open our eyes

We must reverse our blinded ways

Before it is too late

Before the world we live in changes completely

And the world we once knew


Like whispers on the wind

The author's comments:

Lucy Steward is a high school junior in New York City. Her works have been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and appeared in the Authoethnographer, Humans of the World, Poet’s Choice, Sad Girl Diaries, and Teen Ink. A writer,  poet, and lover of history she is currently working on her first novel and is constantly slipping into fantasies that feel as real as the world around her. Lucy is also a classically trained pianist, a songwriter, and in a rock band. As anyone does, she loves a good night's sleep.

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