Dazed | Teen Ink


July 7, 2024
By Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

U and I might seem just words two,
But we both know these words together are too good to be true,
The distance between us grown,
The closeness brutally thrown,
U said u didn't care,
Afterall i wasn't that rare,
U could not be but better even in the loss,
But what about the times when our fates cross?
Did u ever even want to know what i wanted?
Had i ever taken u for granted?
But well its of the same use as what i am to u,
I would have died to have back u,
I never really knew where we went wrong,
Why did u leave me midsong,
My soul broke,
U found new joke,
I waited for you till the moment i died,
And all that i received back was how you lied,
I am sure it wasn't love,
Cause how can someone who's in love just shove,
So thats what u have done,
Leaving me dazed and in question,
I guess i would never receive the answers to,
But i would be lying if i said i never cared for u!

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I hope u'all like this

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