Who I Am | Teen Ink

Who I Am

June 20, 2024
By Anonymous


In a realm of fairness and equality,

Where trust reigns in society,

There exists a place of gloom and dread,

Where people ignore the stories that are said.

Deep within the city's core,

A tale of agony forevermore,

A girl who endures every single day, 

As the world outside carries on its way.

They turn a blind eye to the pain and strife,

And pretend that everything's fine in life,

But deep down inside, they know the truth,

That their actions are devoid of any proof.


The cries of the oppressed go unheard,

Their pleas for help are left absurd,

While the powerful continue to thrive,

Ignoring the voices that are deprived.

Yet, they keep up the facade so well,

Painting a picture of a society swell,

Where both men and women live in harmony,

And there's no discrimination based on identity.

But the truth remains hidden from sight,

As they cover up the wrongs with might,

And push those who speak up to the fringes,

Making them feel like they don't belong in these hinges.

Oh, how they cling to this image of perfection,

Ignoring the problems that need correction,

Thinking that silence will make them grand,

When it's the very thing that's destroying their land.

If only they could see beyond these lies,

And open their hearts to the anguished cries,

But here women stand,

With broken dreams and empty hands.

“What am I”



Define a woman,

What really is a woman?

They have labeled us as objects,

To satisfy others’ objectives.

But what about her dreams and hopes,

Her passions and her fears?

Why must she live in shadows,

And drown in other's tears?

A woman who defies the norms,

Stands alone with her clothes torn,

An outcast to those who scorn,

And as a voice for those forlorn.

From a young age, she learns to fight,

To flip the page and seek the light,

But the darkness lingers on her skin,

A constant reminder of the world she's in.

She toils for hours with meager pay,

Forced to obey what her boss would say,

His touch brings her unbearable pain,

A discomfort she can't contain.

And as his fingers brush up her skirt,

Her body recoils, trapped in his dirt.

He gropes her body with lewd caress,

Leaving her soul in wretched distress.

He plays her as if a doll,

His intentions remain in thrall.

Her inner beauty now his token,

His perverse desires are outspoken.

"Does it feel good?" he asks her,

"It'll be over soon," he whispers,

A script she follows for years,

A role that was forced, fueled by fears.

The marks underneath her clothes,

A reminder of the mental blows,

But the world just turns a blind eye,

Willing to do anything but reply.

She walks away to her own reality,

Her walls come tumbling down in totality,

She dreams of escape, a life anew,

Free from the hands that violate and subdue. 

"I am a woman,

yet a toy for a man,"





Some can't bear the guilt and shame,

Of living in a world so flawed and yet so tame,

Where abuse is masked by power and fame,

And each victim's cries are always the same.

Some victims choose to walk away in defiance,

From a world that lacks any alliance,

No longer ignoring the price we pay,

For turning a blind eye every day.

Some men mock our dreams and our goals,

Insisting we stay trapped in our roles,

But we know deep down we're meant for more,

So we push and fight for what we fight for.

Although the girl is left behind,

Her suffering remains in our mind,

We must be aware and not be blind,

To the pain that lurks in the daily grind.

And as my own walls come up again,

I stand, hand in hand,

With every woman,

Bound by a mental band.

And as men begin to gather,

Filling the streets with laughter,

We shout out in unity,

Shattering society's reality.

“ I am a woman, not a toy for a man”

The author's comments:

In this poem, I weave a story of a woman facing sexual harassment, using a fantasy world and almost story-like rhyming, to expose the real-world issue of silenced suffering experienced by women facing sexual harassment. Society paints a picture of fairness, but the truth is buried beneath a facade of indifference. We build walls to protect ourselves, but as women, we stand together. We are the ones who defy the norms,who carry the scars but fight for our dreams. This is not just my story; it's a shared experience, a call to break the silence and claim our power. We are women, not objects.

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