Room Poem | Teen Ink

Room Poem

June 20, 2024
By Nattra BRONZE, Geneva, Ohio
Nattra BRONZE, Geneva, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you're going to make fun of me, improve yourself first." -Han Jisung

It’s quieter in my room

There’s no one to bother me 

It’s just me and my Cds

Playing whatever they want

Away from judgement 

It’s peaceful in my room

I wish people would listen,

Give me a chance to explain

But they just talk over it

Drown out the music

It’s easier in my room

I can be whoever I want

A singer, rapper, dancer

Who knows? It’s only me

Hidden from the world

It’s lonely in my room

I can hear the kids outside

Why didn’t they invite me?

I keep the shades drawn,

The light still shines through

It’s boring in my room

Just wait outside while I

Try to cover the walls

Cover the posters 

Cover the books

Cover the parts of me 

I refuse to show

It was fun in my room

I welcomed them in

Showed every poster

Played them my best songs

Showed them every piece of me

It was cool in my room

But they didn’t like it

They told me I’d be better off

If my room was just white

A blank canvas 

For them to draw on

So it looked

The way they wanted 

It’s closed, my room

And it will never open again

Not now that I’ve realized

My room is better off

With just me in it 

The author's comments:

I've found I still have the innocent little kid side of me who thinks everyone will like whatever I like and they'll want to know about it too. I used to get so excited to show my friends around my room. I worked hard on making my room have a certain vibe too it and I figured people would appreciate it also. But everyone always got caught on the details instead of appreciating the whole room.

"Are you seriously this obsessed?"

"I still can't figure out why you like this."

My room is my canvas. And I'm proud of it. 

I feel with every poster I've put up, I've painted a piece of my heart onto those walls.

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