Threads & Little Things | Teen Ink

Threads & Little Things

June 12, 2024
By Pei2Famous BRONZE, Rochester, New York
Pei2Famous BRONZE, Rochester, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For Naomi Shihab


To be kind is a hard thing.

Unlike like lifting a boulder,

It’s emotionally straining. 

Forcing one to catch the thread of sorrows 

Of other people.

To know is to be able to put yourself

in others shoes. 

To understand,

is to walk a mile in them.

It’s no simple task, 

But kindness can come in many ways.

Many forms. 

Large acts to little acts.

Such a small pat on a back

Or a joke to make one laugh 

Is an act of its own. 

It may be unintentional

Or unacknowledged,

Yet slowly the threads will weave together

Into a bundle of warmth.

The author's comments:

This piece is a response poem to Naomi Shihab's poem, Kindness.

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