Grievances to the Mourning | Teen Ink

Grievances to the Mourning

May 30, 2024
By spacecowgirl SILVER, Newark, Delaware
spacecowgirl SILVER, Newark, Delaware
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Chiseled stone set up in rows upon chilled floors

Designed and intricate patterns blur under water

Droplets wobble and topple down rosy cheeks

Words pursue lips as forgotten prayers

Murmured once with a upward smiles

Darkness takes form onto sitting bodies

Life’s sweet perfume fades out like fading waves

Hand holding staples people back to earth

Letting loved ones ascend to the beyond

Never to be held like they once were

They mourn what has been lost

Happy memories morph into limited mementos

Slipping through minds back into dust

The last of those who knew sit together

Brought together by the word of death

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