In the future | Teen Ink

In the future

May 16, 2024
By Anonymous

In the future there will be

Futuristic homes, cars,

Even animals.

Everything will be new

I will be living in a Beach house 

With no cares in the world

Days in the shade

No worries at all


People will be loving,

Kind, generous.

There will be no hate,

Just love.

Families love each other


Everyone caring for one another,

Promises are kept.

No one will be afraid of the world

Everyone will be happy. 

The houses will be modern and


Cars will be flying and all 


In the future there will be

Futuristic homes, cars,

Even animals.

Everything will be new

I will be living in a Beach house 

With no cares in the world

Days in the shade

No worries at all


People will be loving,

Kind, generous.

There will be no hate,

Just love.

Families love each other


Everyone caring for one another,

Promises are kept.

No one will be afraid of the world

Everyone will be happy. 

The houses will be modern and


Cars will be flying and all 


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