Not Fair. | Teen Ink

Not Fair.

May 14, 2024
By strawberry-short0cake BRONZE, Uhrichsville, Ohio
strawberry-short0cake BRONZE, Uhrichsville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"years of love have been forgot in the hatred of a minute"- Edgar Allan Poe.

You’ll pull my hair

And tell me its fair

You’ll tell me lies

Just to feel high

You say its fair

It's not fair

When you make a woman like me

Fight for my life

I wear my scars with pride

While you bring me down off the stride

I swear to god

Everynight before bed

Make it fair.

Make it right

Make me see the light!

This relationship won't last forever

Yet you try.

You try 

With such hurtful words

Hard enough to cut bone

While i stay here

Questioning the world. 

I think every morning before leaving the bed

“It's not fair”

When such a high and mighty guy

Tries to break womanhood.

Now read this freeverse again, 

And compare it to the real world.

Do you see a difference??

I sure don’t. 

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