My Shadow Stalker | Teen Ink

My Shadow Stalker

May 12, 2024
By Giada_Dance BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
Giada_Dance BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It follows me around

In the stillness of the night,

I'm mesmerized, a fear creeps in

Shadowed by the light.


All alone in darkness

Everything that I fear,

A solitary soul embraces

With no one close, no one near.


Seeking out the poison

Forever lost in silent dreams,

I walk afraid and blind

Where echoes fade, and darkness teems.


A haunting dread, a chilling thought

No laughter shared, no gentle touch,

Of an isolation path, forever found

I'm always walking not as much.


Yet in this fear, a glimmer gleams

A spark of hope, amidst the shrine,

Holding me up close

Mine beats alone, a solemn sign.


So though the fear may grip me tight

For in the vastness of the unknown,

I wonder what I'm thinking

I may find solace, not alone.

The author's comments:

This piece shows how I prefer to be with someone compared to being alone. As it is my biggest fear to die alone.

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