Difficulties of a Devil's Heartbeat | Teen Ink

Difficulties of a Devil's Heartbeat

May 9, 2024
By greysontolliver GOLD, Pataskala, Ohio
greysontolliver GOLD, Pataskala, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

They told me negative attention was bad,

and yet I yearned to love it.

The group told me I had to grow,

yet their reflection said to crave it.

Still, their reflection has become sentient,

the orthodox say "He'll set you free",

but the demonic refraction that birthed around me

say there's nothing more I can be.

Now the demons they birthed

in the shadows they lurked,

came out to haunt Saint Pius.

All while I'm trapped inside,

with my "ravenous pride",

you say the devil does nothing but flaunt me.

My love said the attention was bad,

and yet I learned to need it.

My beast took back their knife,

and they stabbed us three times,

before they got what they needed.

The author's comments:

When I was eleven, I was forced by a peer, who I believe to have been a personification of Lucifer himself, to attain massive amounts of negative attention, only to ruin my life and the lives of everyone around me. It led to my religious school kicking me out and telling me I had been possessed by demons, being previously so nice and sweet, when in reality I had only adapted to the controlling influence of that devil's sultry grin. This is what the poem is about, and how difficult it was to live with the heartbeat of the Devil.

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