Moon Beams and Dreamers | Teen Ink

Moon Beams and Dreamers

April 24, 2024
By LucySteward PLATINUM, New York, New York
LucySteward PLATINUM, New York, New York
31 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Through her delicate fingers, the goddess spins moonlight

Twisting spools into dreams, 

Spilling at the seams

And slipping far into the night

It falls into the minds of those lovers, souls alight

Eyes that gleam

Hands entwined, for in each other they feel seen

Each name held on the others’ lips like Eden’s fruit, so ripe 

The pure glow caressing each other’s pale skin

Here, their love freely flows

Like the rushing, raging river’s stream

And when they touch, her heart spins

Two women, dancing under the pale night’s glow, 

Two lovers, sipping on the moon’s gentle dreams

The author's comments:

Lucy is a high school junior in NYC. Her work has been recognized by the Scholastic Awards and appeared in multiple publications. Her first novel will be complete soon. She loves photography, is a classically trained pianist playing in a rock band, and adores a good night's sleep. 

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