Venus | Teen Ink


April 12, 2024
By spacecowgirl SILVER, Newark, Delaware
spacecowgirl SILVER, Newark, Delaware
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

Smother me with your love

Drown me in your praises and affections, your whispered sweet-nothings

Sing your lullabies from the bottom where whale bones lie

Lure me back down with false truths: promises, declarations, claims that you’re mine

Let waves of water oozing with tenderness swallow me whole

Fill my lungs with sand so I cannot deny the fictions that pursue beyond your lips

Have facades of fondness overflow me as remnants of life fall from my eyes

Hold me tight, don’t let me go, don’t leave me until I do

Squeeze me until my shallow gasps fail me

Kill me while I still eat the attention raw from its source

Let me have my fill of what was forbidden, what I was starved of, what I crave, live for

Allow me your embrace, your giving hands spooning me a scene from the movies

Snap my neck with your soft palms so my death will be stained the color of hearts

A taste of your devotion to a singular cost my heartbeat and all my “what if”s 

For what is love without the sacrifices we make to obtain it?

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