That Man on the Road | Teen Ink

That Man on the Road

April 3, 2024
By juniperleafdelivery BRONZE, Costa Mesa, California
juniperleafdelivery BRONZE, Costa Mesa, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
do whatever you want forever

I saw a man walking along a paved road

the yellow line oblivious to him

We had picked up a piano

that its owner no longer wanted

or maybe the piano was wanted

but couldn't be kept

I saw a man walking along a paved road


in blue and white plaid

the yellow line oblivious to him

and I thought,

that must be a lonely road to walk.

The author's comments:

My family got the piano off Facebook Marketplace, believe it or not. I'm trying to learn to play Dogsong by Toby Fox. I have the first few seconds of the song memorized; hooray!

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