The Rule of Man | Teen Ink

The Rule of Man

March 22, 2024
By Anonymous

The rule of man is truth

It is honesty, the rule of man hurts

The man feels like a woman, but was forced to suppress it early before it hurts too bad.

They say we don’t have to but it is natural. We cannot help it

The rule of man is to be quiet. Don’t state your pain.

We must be strong or we are not enough. 

We must be smart, we must know what to do

We prepare for traumatic events, we prepare for world domination

Men are ruled by suppressed emotion. 

The rule of man is pain and suffrage. 

We feel little physical pain because we suffer within our minds.

When we wake in the middle of the night believing we’re not worth people’s time

We stay silent but we stay strong in the end

It’s not the men or women that matter it is both we are the yin-yang, why do we hate?

Why is there so much difference? Why can we not be in harmony? Make it easy please.

I don’t know what I can do to make the pain ease.

When can we learn to communicate like we were meant to?

But now I feel like I must pay my due. 

The author's comments:

Why do men and women, boys and girls, see each other as enemies? Why must we fight for dominance or fight for who's in more power, men and women are equal. Neither, men or women can be on the planet alone. We must have the other sex in order for survival, stop the pointless fight for rule we are opposite but the same in every way. Don't look for your love, let love come to you. Nature was never forced into being, neither is love.

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