You | Teen Ink


March 21, 2024
By V1415 BRONZE, Fort Mill, South Carolina
V1415 BRONZE, Fort Mill, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Taken away from those you love most, 

to an unknown place.

A beautiful house, a new school,  a fresh start,

however all that glitters is not gold.

Your home,full of memories, love, sorrow

and happiness now belongs to another.

In this beautiful house that you live in now,

you for sure know will never be home.

For now you are full of loneliness and

 isolation even with others around you.

Your room left behind in the place

you once called home belongs to another 

For you lay in a room with all your things,

yet feel as if you are in someone else's room

visiting, waiting to return to the place

you called home for so many years.

For you are in an ivory tower,

tucked away from that you’ve known and loved.

Your voice ignored from those 

who call themselves your parents.

Leaving you in a school that drains you entirely 

just by the sight of it.

For you have lost yourself completely

The things you onced loved are now a  distant memory.

Exhausted from the sleepless nights,

full of never ending work

you try and try but its not good enough, 

either sleep and fail or don't and succeed.

Arguments and talks one after another

all about the house and school

For you beg and cry every single time

to return to what is yours.

Blamed for the change and all that comes with it

piles onto you pushing you deeper and deeper 

Into a dark hole. Tears stain your cheeks each night 

as you release all your pain that's kept inside.

Unable to open up without them feeling attacked,  

leaving you sinking even deeper into the hole.

Within the school you move, one class to the next, 

without a word spoken unless needed.

For  you are practically a ghost, with your pale skin,

As you move throughout the day, without ever being seen.

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