Safe Haven | Teen Ink

Safe Haven

March 21, 2024
By TheRingmaster BRONZE, Toldeo, Ohio
TheRingmaster BRONZE, Toldeo, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm on a boat

In a stormy sea

All I can see is blobs

Blobs in the fog

I squint my eyes 

And what do I see

A safe haven 

There just for me 

I take the wheel 

Directing it 

Directing it to where I'll be safe 

Safe from the storm 

But as I approach what do I see

The safe haven deceived me

What I thought was offering protection 

Was only offering deception 

But alas its too late 

As I've already gotten too close 

I'm no longer me 

As the sweetness and comfort of the lies

Has done it's damage to me 

Even though I know it's a lie 

It calls me like a siren 

I try to override it 

But the sweetness of lies override the bitterness of truth 

I'm trapped and if I try to break free 

The safe haven will only attack me

The author's comments:

First piece I'm publishing on here

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