Small Moments | Teen Ink

Small Moments

March 8, 2024
By Anonymous

It is not easy to see the people you love disappear.

Their face turning into a photograph, 

admiring the soft dimples cheeks bear.

Your voice has turned into videos, 

replaying them  to hear the joy behind your chuckle  one last time 

so I don’t forget the laughs we shared.

Your clothes became a sacred blanket,

the smell of your cologne throughout. 

Summer fishing boat rides we once shared together 

turning into small cherished memories, 

longing to feel the wind against our faces again. 

Your favorite places turned into reminders,

that I won’t be able to have one last hug, 

just one last goodbye.

Gramps and Grandaddy are now just a memory.

Yet I have come to realize one thing,

Some things are just not meant to be understood. 

The small moments are the ones I shall cherish. 

The author's comments:

Losing both of grandfather during my younger years has altered my life in ways I didn’t think it would. I have grown to wonder why they were taken from me and my family at such times as they were. I cherish the many memories I made with them and the ones I will make again when we meet again one day in heaven and all the pain I have now of not having them will be forgotten. I wish they could see me graduate high school and get married one day in the future, but know they are looking down with great joy hopefully at what their granddaughter has and will do. They have inspired me to choose the career path I will embark on and overall just how to be a better person. I’m forever grateful for the times we did have.

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