I am with you | Teen Ink

I am with you

March 7, 2024
By austin01 BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
austin01 BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am with you

Fighting all the struggles no matter how new

I sit next to you in death

I sit next to you till your last breath

I don’t care how long, I don’t care how sad

At least you’ll be glad

I’d stay till the cancer’s through

I am with you

The cancer took you from us

I just sat there to weep and fuss

I wish you were still here

For you would tell me to never fear

The author's comments:

This was a poem everyone did one in class. It was based off an older person laying in a bed with their spouse sitting next to them hooked up to cancer treatment tools.

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