Betrayed | Teen Ink


February 26, 2024
By Aria_1524 BRONZE, Dickinson, North Dakota
Aria_1524 BRONZE, Dickinson, North Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Within me,

There is anger brewing

In my veins

It drags me down like a heavyweight

Within me,

I feel betrayed

This anger is a volcano

About ready to erupt

On the outside,

My face of stone

Hiding away all emotions

They don’t care anyway

I see,

They are two-faced

They can’t be trusted anymore

Tries to be cool but you’re just a fool

I see, 

What you’re trying

Trying to be cool with my friends

They are on my side you know

I see you and I saw you

The author's comments:

Sometimes it is better to stay silent and pour out your emotions into a poem instead. I wanted to be at peace with my past and so I made a poem about how I had felt.

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