maybe it's not okay | Teen Ink

maybe it's not okay

February 26, 2024
By kenussy13 GOLD, Alma, Michigan
kenussy13 GOLD, Alma, Michigan
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

it's okay that you forgot to call,

and it's okay that you forgot it was my birthday.

it's fine that you never said good job,

and it's fine that you didn't even know I was playing.

it doesn't matter that you didn't wave back,

and it doesn't bother me that you never smile.



maybe it bothers me a bit.

maybe it does matter, and maybe it does sting.

maybe it's not fine and maybe it's not okay.

maybe I'm more than a little hurt,

but isn't that my every day?

I'll sit in silence,

as I always do.

Because what else is there

to do

with you?

The author's comments:

Don't feel obligated to settle for the bare minimum, and definitely don't settle for less than. It's too easy to get trapped in transactional, one-sided relationships that leave you feeling drained. I've been in many of these, and getting out of them never gets easier. Remember you're worth the happy birthday call. You're worth the small smile. You're worth it all.

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