Why Did You Target my Sister? | Teen Ink

Why Did You Target my Sister?

February 24, 2024
By greysontolliver GOLD, Pataskala, Ohio
greysontolliver GOLD, Pataskala, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Why did you target my sister?

A nine year old lost her grin.

It took many years,

and yet she still fears

that she's lost in your world within.

Why did you steal from my sister?

Her chains still sit on your neck.

Why did you want the

material love from

a media child dripping with dreck?

Why would you look at my sister?

Hit me and leave her alone.

Because now the both of

her wigs sit on the sofa

as she cries empty tears of the crone.

Why'd you turn me from my sister?

And her friend, and her father, and her love?

For now she has no one,

and my silent eyes say "run"

but she hates me and dreams of above.

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