What Is Love? | Teen Ink

What Is Love?

February 22, 2024
By lexidworman BRONZE, Holden, Massachusetts
lexidworman BRONZE, Holden, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

To be honest I don’t wanna write

I seem to never want to write anymore

I used to love it

Now I dread it

People say its easy to be happy

Its easier to be miserable

I try to love 

What really is love

I don’t know

I thought I did but it was a game

A game that ended badly

As you can tell

I know you need to hear this

You know those poems that put you in your feels?

The poems that you randomly come across

The ones that make you cry

Welcome to my poem

I understand you

I understand the constant struggle of not being okay

I get it

I get the days you feel like crap

I get the days you wanna sleep

I get it

Life is your biggest enemy

Dont worry, it’s mine too

Teenage love isn’t real trust me

If it was I would be okay

At least I’m convinced I would

Look at the words below

Close your eyes

We are going to take a ride

Who are you?

A damaged

A broken

An exhausted 


Tenager’s are lazy just ask my mom

It’s friday

School’s almost out for the day

You will be okay

Even if teenage love doesn’t exists

The author's comments:

The reality of what writing is.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 7 at 2:44 pm
lexidworman BRONZE, Holden, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment
@Girl-Writer Thank You!!

on Feb. 26 at 6:04 pm
Girl-Writer BRONZE, Kilkenny, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments
What a great poem. So deep.