Past Clay Suns | Teen Ink

Past Clay Suns

February 21, 2024
By greysontolliver GOLD, Pataskala, Ohio
greysontolliver GOLD, Pataskala, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Past clay suns, my emotions ride,

into the territory of the unanimous horse race.

The seasons changed, or I'm deranged,

excuses are of a murderer's tongue.

And through districts in twelves, stray thoughts will stride

through like the government's hardy swine.

His tongue flickers as mine, a serpent descending on his concubine.

Will my mind every be free from his reign?


Pass clay suns, and the levels surpass

a level privy to bringing an end.

Though notes arrange, twelve songs exchange,

never again will we see clay suns.

The author's comments:

The government

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on Feb. 26 at 7:46 pm
greysontolliver GOLD, Pataskala, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments
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