The Tree of Knowledge | Teen Ink

The Tree of Knowledge

February 21, 2024
By ValentinaG1 BRONZE, Homewood, Illinois
ValentinaG1 BRONZE, Homewood, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a tree distinct from the rest.


Although it feeds from the same minerals as the ones around it,

this tree's roots stretch out so deep that they touch the furthest parts of the earth's crust.

Although it was born of the same soil as the ones around it,

this tree's trunk reaches so far that it caresses the edges of the pond's glistening waters.

Although it wakes under the same sun as the ones around it,

this tree's branches spread so far above the canopy that you could spot it from heaven's view.

Although it drinks the same rain as the ones around it,

this tree's leaves grow so large that you could blanket yourself from the cold with just one.

Although it breathes the same wind as the ones around it,

this tree's leaves fall and travel so far that they greet the trees on the other side of the forest.


This tree is so unique that everyone goes to visit it...

Some more than others.

Because it is so unique, it has a name.

You can call this tree Sin.


With its colossal branches and leaves, Sin blocks the sun and strips the sky of its light, leaving us to pray a ray of sunlight will slip through the leaves that give us shade and shame.

It will fool you into climbing to the top to know what the wind pressed against your skin might feel like.

To know what a curved and pointy moon dangling in a dark sky might look like.

To know what the rain that falls from massive clouds that hover above us might taste like.

But they'll fool you, too.

The author's comments:

Even when Sin presents itself as harmless and fun, we must do everything possible to resist temptation because it will only strip us of the light.

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