New Girl | Teen Ink

New Girl

February 20, 2024
By Moomt BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
Moomt BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
So ahead of the curve the curve became a sphere, fell behind all my classmates and I ended up here

There goes the new girl

Friendless and alone

Let's all whisper rumors

And stare in the hall

That's how it goes

At least in your mind

You always assume they're mocking you

That they hate you

When really

They were new once too

At 5 years old everyone was new

New to school

New to friends

New to the world

But they got used to it

They bonded

At 11 they were all new again

New to middle school

New to puberty

New to how they felt about other boys and girls

New to those awkward transition years

They were all new again

And somehow they were even more scared than before

At 14 it was the same thing

Freshman year nothing but fear

Cause they were new

New to thinking

Thinking about the future

About grades

About life after school

New to highschool

New to work


Being new is always scary but growing up you're always new with the same people

Until you aren't

Until you're new all alone

No one knows

Who you are

Where you're from


Cause you're new

And all you can do is imagine them thinking


Whispering little rumors

But the whispers are loud as shouts

So they may as well

Just yell


Point and stare at the new girl

There she goes, walking by

So scared and nervous

So out of place

An outsider trying to infiltrate

There she goes walking by

Yes there goes the new girl

Everyone point and stare

The author's comments:

I recently learned how difficult moving schools truly is, it's genuinely a massive struggle. It's hard to shake the mindset that everyone is watching you, but they're not. This poem discusses the difficulty of being new at all points in life, not just moving.

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