The Passerby | Teen Ink

The Passerby

February 12, 2024
By kenussy13 GOLD, Alma, Michigan
kenussy13 GOLD, Alma, Michigan
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You were just a passerby,

who did




things to me.

The author's comments:

Toxic relationships tend to stick. Thought of this poem while breaking down as my girlfriend held me. In her worse, my ex "is a noose around my throat." She's right. Unlearning the behaviors I had to accustom to in my past relationship is difficult, but necessary. It's difficult, but possible. It must be done for my own health. To anyone feeling this way, don't let a passerby in your life hold you in a death grip. They don't have that power over you. You have power over yourself.

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