I come from the same aching bones | Teen Ink

I come from the same aching bones

January 17, 2024
By Anonymous

I come from the same aching blood, 

The one that scolds out of love 

I come from the very rosebud 

the one I can’t dispose of 

The rage is my father’s, 

I drink it like champagne

The sadness is my mother’s 

Addicting as cocaine 

I replay their memories of hurt 

The pain embedded into their veins. 

Never speaking of it, like it’s dirt 

But I know it remains

I come from the same aching blood

That carries the anger that burns 

I come from the very rosebud 

That never changes, at best turns. 

The author's comments:

My name is Atziri. I love to write poetry as well as political pieces. 

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