Unrequited | Teen Ink


January 11, 2024
By 4steinbauer GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
4steinbauer GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Unrequited is the love I had for an old friend of mine. 

All throughout our childhoods, we were together all of the time. 

She was my favorite person, my first choice as a friend. 

I wasn’t hers, I was replaced, and our friendship came to an end. 

Alone at the lunch table on the first day of school, I watched from far away.

She sat with her new friends, and I, alone. 

But as long as she was happy, it was all okay. 


Unrequited is the love I had for a new friend I made. 

We met just after, but she was the one who stayed. 

She was the picture-perfect girl, everything all girls want to be.

I became jealous of her, pointing out all of my own insecurities. 

She was happily in love and naturally gorgeous, no makeup required.

She was in an open relationship, the type I wasn’t allowed to acquire. 

Instead, I had to sit back and watch her have everything I was looking for. 

But it is alright, as long as she is happy; that is what I adore. 


Unrequited is the love I had for my first crush. 

They were everything I was looking for, they always made me blush.

I would look forward to every time we met up together. 

I changed my clothes and my hair so that they would like me better. 

I think I accidentally fell in love; they were all I could ask for.  

I thought they felt the same, until they found another girl in which they cared for more. 

I compared myself to the new girl; she was a better version of me.   

I see why they never liked me back, I am not even half as pretty. 

Left there bleeding, my heart hurt in every way. 

It cut deep, like the edge of a sharp blade. 


Unrequited is the love I had for the one that got away. 

They came into my life after the last one chose not to stay.

We talked online but never in reality.

I started to fall, but repressed it deeply. 

They claimed I was someone they had feelings for. 

I denied it, thinking it would end the same as it has before. 

There was no possibility they could actually like me. 

They will realize that I am not what I am expected to be. 

I started to leave before I could get left, too scared it would end up the same. 

Burning love is what everyone anticipates, 

But instead the potential of us was engulfed by flames. 


Unrequited is the love I never had for myself. 

The love for the girl that changed herself for everyone else.

The love for the girl that is standing in the mirror. 

The love for the person that was awaiting an end, who hoped it would get nearer. 

The girl that considered a permanent way out, began to completely shut down. 

She was stuck in a void within her mind, until she was reminded of her younger self. 

The little girl who would have pleaded for another way, in any hope to get her to stay. 

She soon began to realize that she not only hated herself, but the little girl in her heart. 

The reason why I had lost love is because I never loved myself from the start. 

In order to make it up to her, I had to change for the better. 


Requited is the love I have for myself today. 

I took off the makeup that covered up my natural face. 

I decided to wear the clothes I was actually fond of. 

I finally learned what it was like to have self-love. 

I stopped acting upon myself in harmful ways, and stayed clean. 

This new start was like fresh air, I could finally breathe. 

From a hurting caterpillar, I changed into a beautiful butterfly. 

I changed myself to become the person I was meant to be inside. 

The author's comments:

The inspiration for this poem was the struggles I encountered forming relationships with friends, with potential romantic partners, and with myself. Throughout my four years in high school, I had a very hard time developing relationships with the people I let into my life because I was consumed with being altruistic towards myself. I let these negative thoughts consume my mind, causing me to inflict injury and sabotage upon myself. As my mental state began to worsen, I had an epiphany and realized that these are not the teenage years my younger self would have wanted me to live. I took that into consideration, and to make it up to her (my younger self), I did what I could to make my teenage years the best they could be. I stopped changing the person I was to please the people that I cared about, but changed myself back to be authentically me. 

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