Succumb | Teen Ink


December 18, 2023
By Anonymous

As we drove past this morning, I could see the ivy taking over. Weaving in and out, inhaling the fallen trees, growing from the bottom up, and back down again. It was such a beautiful sight. The sun's pure beams fell so politely onto the scene. No screams, no cries, no blood. A painless murder.

Ivy- nature’s true parasite. It strips other plants of their nutrients and to claim as its own. When it takes over, there’s nothing the trees, nor bushes, nor flowers can do naturally to stop the invasion. The ivy feels nothing. The other plants feel nothing. The ivy begins to overhaul and its subject is doomed to rot. Souring the soil, contaminating and populating their sad roots, looping through even the thickest of roses.

When the ivy of the human mind takes over, it’s not so quiet. Not so graceful. Humans fight back. Blood is shed. Tears stream… pour… flood.

 For some people, there is nothing natural about their suffering. A gruesome murder. The subject begins to rot. 

Ivy. The world's parasite. 

Ivy has stricken me. It has corroded my protection, poisoned  my soil. My arteries are full of greenery. My heart is engulfed by vines, locked and sealed away. I've fallen ill to the parasite.

The author's comments:

I am currently a first semester creative writing student.

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