Happy | Teen Ink


December 10, 2023
By KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
46 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It's hard to figure out what the meaning of happy is
But you know when your happy
When the problems leaning on you disappear
No need to drown them with beer
No need to fear
You won't want to jump off the peire
You'll get there I swear
You think no one cares
No need to tare
People care
You may have lost them
They may have tossed you aside
But it's their choose
Their loss
Don't drown in the tide
Don't let them win
One day soon
You'll realize
You don't need guys
Or those people by your side
Because you'll find someone
That cares
There's pros and cons
Don't fawn over them
There lost in the dawn somewhere
Like I said happy
You can never be fully happy
But you'll get close

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About being happy

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