the last one left | Teen Ink

the last one left

December 10, 2023
By Anonymous

I’m in a loud and noisy room

With my friends, near and far.

But everyone is with their closest one

And i sit away in the dark

Always the last one left

I love all of my friends

They love me too

But they love each other more i guess

I didn't know what to do as I’m

Always the last one left

I love dancing, and so do others

I want to be the lead 

Are the others better?

I’m not the one they need

And I’m the last one left

In the background, 

I’m part of the river along with tens of others

The main lead is boating through 

As I fall to let the lead pass

Because i’m the last one left

We’re picking teams 

But I'm in the trio

“We could be together next time” they scream

Always singled out from the duo

Because i’m the last one left

Will I always be the last choice?

Do they see how I feel?

Do they hear my inner voice?

Is it in my mind or is this real?

Why am I the last one left?

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