Black Hole | Teen Ink

Black Hole

December 7, 2023
By curveres SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
curveres SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Within me there lies a hole

Consuming every bit of me it can grasp 

Stealing them away 

Declaring them worthless 

And for a hole so full 

It feels so empty

Its compacted bits of me tightly together 

Like a shared closet space 

Everyday i wake 

I feel its bitter presence inside me 

The pieces of me it took 

Dwindling down in meaning 

Each day this hole sends a strong wind 

To shake the entirety of my body 

Searching for pieces to steal 

To make their property 

Call it a black hole 

For when it comes it leaves no trace 

Even those that slip away 

Never truly escaped 

Every bit and piece of me 

Are all doomed for the same fate 

Because when a black hole is incoming 

It’ll consume all in its way

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