The (Compressed) Stages of Grief | Teen Ink

The (Compressed) Stages of Grief

November 27, 2023
By Anonymous

Denial is blue

It sounds like your alarm clock waking you up for school

It tastes like bitter medicine when you’re sick

It smells like burnt popcorn in the microwave

It looks like a big fat “F” on your test

It makes you feel afraid.

Anger is red

It sounds like breaking glass

It tastes like sharp, metallic blood

It smells like hot chili peppers

It looks like billowing steam rising up to the ceiling

It makes you feel powerful.

Bargaining is pinkish purple

It sounds like all questions and no answers

It tastes like the mystery meat in the cafeteria

It smells like water

It looks like a time machine 

It makes you feel like you chose the correct answer on a test

but then changed it.

Depression is gray

It sounds like distorted laughter through the phone

It tastes like warm milk with cereal

It smells like an old, dusty house

It looks like perpetually gray, overcast skies.

It makes you feel alone in a crowd of people.

Acceptance is yellow

It sounds like a good song you haven’t heard in a long time

It tastes like your favorite food after a hard day

It smells like fresh air after a thunderstorm

It looks like a smile for a joke you know is bad

It makes you feel like everything is going to be okay.

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