Shoegaze | Teen Ink


November 25, 2023
By maxinezahler GOLD, Long Branch, New Jersey
maxinezahler GOLD, Long Branch, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here’s to a life treading water on the way to my local library

Feeding my brain little facts and residing in a state I can’t really describe

The closest thing I could compare it to is shoegaze.

It always starts playing once summer crashes into September 6th.

Chaos that’s jarring the first few listens, then becomes a blanket.

The blanket isn’t solid –it unweaves and juts out from the sides like 

A skunk when it gets scared, and guitar chords mosh together like

Pieces of wet clay that won’t, no matter how long you smooth the cracks, fit together

But it’s comfortable. To have a blanket for my restless thoughts to finally

Lay their heads–you know how much they’ve been using them.

To have a place to call home.

I anticipate changing seasons and it hasn’t happened yet but I’ve already changed for it.

I’m writing with one of the mechanical pencils I got from a 24 pack from Target

There’s something to do 24/7. I take my little breaks and go back to learning little facts

So here’s to a life treading water, waiting for my trip and Fall.

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