Hope I Get Lucky | Teen Ink

Hope I Get Lucky

November 11, 2023
By curveres SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
curveres SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wasted my wishes on you 

all in hopes that the day my wish came true 

was not far 


every candle that i blew out on birthdays 

your words echoed in my head 

and as the smoke drifted away 

i hoped the universe heard what was said 


every eyelash to fall upon my cheek 

i blew away with a whispering breath 

if i do my part,

surely the wish granter would do the rest 


every shooting star 

that shined in the whistling night 

i hoped that someone out there was listening 

i hoped that that star, was more than just a light 


every night i'd stay awake too late 

seeing the time hit 11:11

this wish would surely seal my fate 

if i waste not one second 


a old water fountain 

with copper pennies at its base 

when i retrieved a penny of my own 

the fountain is where i would race 


spring sprung upon me 

with the growing of new weeds 

so i wished on a white dandelion 

until the air filled with its seeds 


no i have never wished on a wish bone,

maybe that may have been the missing piece 

but I've grown out of my wishing for you 

I've lost my hope to say the least

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