The Labyrinth | Teen Ink

The Labyrinth

November 9, 2023
By akutle PLATINUM, Oswego, Illinois
akutle PLATINUM, Oswego, Illinois
31 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My hair is done in black ribbon,

bare feet on cobblestone

floor is crisp, cold against my toes.

I wonder in a never-ending line,

turning and twisting with the corridors

of high walls. The atmosphere is purple.

I haven’t run into the beast yet,

but I see the mark of its bull horns

engraved as it drags its head against the walls.

Labyrinth of hopes and dreams,

plagued by the thought of a nightmare.

I’m the candle in its darkness,

wish in the flicker of heat.

I don’t think I want to find the end,

or even go back to the beginning.

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