Sit on a Bench Poem | Teen Ink

Sit on a Bench Poem

October 30, 2023
By Anonymous

I have always felt like an observer,

but recently more than usual.

I feel as if im more

on the sidelines of life,

cheering everyone on as they move forward

and achieve their goals.

I am always one step behind,

not in sports or school

but just life itself.

As I sit and watch everyone my age grow up

and already know what path they are taking,

I am sitting here overthinking my whole



and past self

and wondering why my life 

will never look the same as theirs.

The author's comments:

This piece is very meaningful to me and really shows how i'm currently feeling and my perspective on life

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on Nov. 2 2023 at 12:11 pm
Vicki_2023 GOLD, Marlow, Oklahoma
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Favorite Quote:
God only knows the real you

I can relate