I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

October 25, 2023
By ikbrace BRONZE, Eminence, Kentucky
ikbrace BRONZE, Eminence, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from cookbooks that come alive like stories

From perfume and tea towels

I am from the rough red brick house

Always smelling like fresh flowers

I am from the red roses

The honeysuckle

Whose long-gone limbs I remember

As if they were my own

I am from big Halloween and cooking skills

From Susanne and John

I am from long walks and going to the beach

And big family cookouts

I’m from “can’t help with math” and “put that down”

And “We’re all in this together”

I’m from family baking together where everything is as sweet as sugar

I’m from Philidelphia and Irish Royalty

Spaghetti and Pot Roast

From Great Grandparents who have immigrated

 to start a new life

Collection of fairy statues that weigh a ton

In the bedroom

I remember collecting them for as long as I have lived

The author's comments:

We did this for an English assignment. And it just tells the story of where I came from.

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