To You, From Me | Teen Ink

To You, From Me

October 25, 2023
By Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The best thing that has happend to me in years,
The only name I remember when I am in tears,
The mere memory of you is enough to bring cheer,
I relish every bit, every talk, every word you and I have ever expressed,
It just makes me feel blessed,
I wish this never dies,
I hope it goes on and on in unbreakable ties,
I want to continue this lifetime
All those talks and chats at nighttime,
But even if i continue to do,
It will be only with you,
I dont want it to be limited by time,
I want you with my, by me and to me all my life, all your life, endless and divine,
Show me a sign and i'll be all yours,
I am already yours of course!

This is my love letter to you
Dont ever forget Darling, I'll be  here forever waiting for you!

The author's comments:

This is a creation of my fantasy, hoping to find that 'You' to give this letter to. Hope you like it

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