me You and the Moon | Teen Ink

me You and the Moon

October 20, 2023
By kenussy13 GOLD, Alma, Michigan
kenussy13 GOLD, Alma, Michigan
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

it's cold tonight

        but that's okay

i have You to keep me

        w a r m

it's dark today

        but that's okay

i have Your light to

        g u i d e

           m y

          w a y

just me You and the Moon

my mind is loud

        but that's okay

You silence the bounds with Your

    b r e a t h t a k i n g

         b e a u t y

my heart, it bleeds

        but that's okay

You drink the scarlet – my love for You

     and tell me i'm B E A U T I F U L

just me You and the Moon

     the Moon, She looks at Her Sun

     the Moon, She looks down at Us

     and Her pale heart fills with

                  e n v y

Your eyes, they trace the scars that mar me

      i  n  s  i  d  e    and    o  u  t

and Your loving touch heals. them. all.

just me You and the Moon.

The author's comments:

I'm just a gay girl from a small town in Michigan writing about my girlfriend and the love she's shown me, my experiences, my trauma, and my passions. This is a poem I wrote in the middle of my chemistry class when I was too overwhelmed with gratitude to do anything but write.

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