Warm Love | Teen Ink

Warm Love

October 11, 2023
By abasile BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
abasile BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Being loved is a weird thing.

I never truly understood it.

Watching my closest friends celebrate,

four months,

six months,

one year.

It always feels that people

don’t want to stick with me for too long.

Not only with romantic endeavors

but even friendships too.

The same gutting feeling,

Cutting me open like a pumpkin,

pulling out the stringy insides,

and forcing me to carve a silly smile on my face.

In movies and books, it looks so easy.

Be gentle and kind and sweet and pretty,

and people will fawn to you,

crackling fire smiles at the sight of you.

Warm hands burn fingerprints into your skin.

My arms and hands remain cold,

as I continue to search through the ocean

trying to find the last remnant that lay at the bottom

stuck in the sand, eroded over time.

The thing for me.

The author's comments:

Personally, I have always had rocky relationships romantically where they would say the iconic "its not you its me" after two or three months so I personally cannot relate to my friends who somehow have been in a relationship with a good person for so long. Also, with friends, I feel like I form these strong connections just for them to randomly ghost me for no reason and then we kinda not be friends and then act like everything is perfect. This poem was meant for the friends that are always single and it kinda eats them from the inside. 

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