Smile | Teen Ink


October 9, 2023
By claireanne GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
claireanne GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"we accept the love we think we deserve" Perks of Being a Wallflower

Smiles. Each completely unique, each special in its own way. My dearest friend's smiles, like my favorite little memories, stuck in my head. I never want those memories to fade.

Eden's smiles are bright and meaningful. Each like a little gift. Like sun peaking through the blinds in the early dawn. Sweet, simple, and beautiful. Kat’s are somehow familiar. Her’s whispering that everything is going to be ok. They feel safe. They remind me of a sunset on a crisp fall day. Ryann’s are sincere like a promise. The sweetest smile you could imagine, her’s feel genuine and real. They make each day that much better. Remy’s feel like home. Each a warm embrace on a frigid morning. They smile and the world disappears. Emma’s smiles beam like the brightest star in the sky. A melody of laughter sweeps through my mind. Her’s swirl with joy unmatched by any other.


Something so simple, and yet each means everything to me. This is why a smile is my favorite trait. And if I'm the cause of it, it's the best feeling I could imagine. Because every time they smile, the world gets a little more beautiful. 

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