Dandelion | Teen Ink


September 30, 2023
By Ella_Li SILVER, Portland, Oregon
Ella_Li SILVER, Portland, Oregon
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When autumn arrives with withered leaves

and September exhales its last breath

sweeping past feather-like dandelion seeds

They glide 

like petals traveling through the air,

like newborn swallows flying the first time.

They wiggle and flip,

uplifted by the warmth from their mother stem.

They are so easily broken

that when you grasp the olive-brown stem

slender as thread,

you won’t believe

the vibrant stream of bravery in their bodies

When you touch those gossamer fairies,

when you watch their wings glow

under the bright, bright sunshine,

Have you wanted to leave everything behind

and go for it?

Have you truly ventured

the whole world brilliantly shining in front of us?

The author's comments:

Walking on campus, I saw blooming dandelions everywhere on the grass. I picked one and let the seeds fly, observing how they spread hope and giving myself power. With the sunshine so bright, I appreciated the energy those newborn dandelions brought to me.

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