A Vision Forever Changed | Teen Ink

A Vision Forever Changed

September 30, 2023
By AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                   A Vision Forever Changed 

                  Shadows, they tiptoed their way into my life. 

                  The noises swirled around me.  

                  Taking time off from my passion. 

                  Never ending questions and solutions.  

                  After having four Concussions.

                 The lights blurred.

                 My vision concurred.

                 Eager to Ice Skate.

                 The Ice was mine to take. 

                 After having one concussion.  

                  My head was as heavy as a hammer.

                  Balance was rough like a baby trying to take its first steps.

                  Eager to Ice Skate 

                  The Ice was mine to take. 

                  After having two concussions.

                  Poppy and Gloomy partners in crime swirled around me.

                  Riding a Bike was my peaceful sanctuary for all the time I had to think.

                  Still eager to Ice Skate.

                  The Ice was mine to take. 

                  After having three concussions.

                   Perseverance, threw me to the wolfs like lightning

                   Pain’s vision outshined everything else with its bling. 

                   Physical well being shattered, trying to crawl out of its cage. 

                   Pandemonium lashed out and broke its void and grasped its hold on me. 

                   Promise, this I denied for a long time.                           


                   Shifting into a new layer of comfort and change.

                   Symphony of growth was the music to my ears with all the range.

                   Strength from the experience got me through the obstacle course. 

                   The Ice is up to me. 

                   Shadows tiptoe, but this time in a new light. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about my personal experience and how each time was different and that I had to be brave and take on a new world. 

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