My Blue | Teen Ink

My Blue

September 28, 2023
By Nikkojav14 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nikkojav14 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Synesthesia, My blue

People say they are blue, sad, depressed and worn through 

To me blue was a different hue

Bright, hopeful, it could be different for you

The shade, tint, and tone, can be subjective 

But Colors themselves are perspective

A spectrum in the realm where senses intertwine,

A symphony of colors, a privilege divine

Where perceptions are in harmony, their truths suspend.

Synesthesia is everywhere

It knows no end

Life is a kaleidoscope 

full of different colors, different perspectives 

Memories, colors from the past

Their meaning is retrospective 

Talk to someone about their hue

Notice something new 

But your blue is always gonna be you. 

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