Peace | Teen Ink


September 27, 2023
By AHSchool2024 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
AHSchool2024 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Running late to work.

Running fast in a Soccer game. 

Running through the halls.

Running through all possible outcomes of a situation. 

It’s a marathon not a sprint they tell me. 

But what if I want to sprint the whole marathon……

Daunting tasks just out of each as I try to speed up to catch them. 

Racing my little red car to a different state, away from life as I know. 


 I have learned to slow down……

 to breathe.

Learned to take a minute from constantly spinning.

Learned to live in the moment.

Learned to take on one task at a time.

Learned to be at peace.

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