Last night I dreamt... | Teen Ink

Last night I dreamt...

September 27, 2023
By sparkleunicorn123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
sparkleunicorn123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An odd orchestra plays and I can’t quite make out the notes

The base sounds that of Carnival in Rio de Shannaro,

the vibrato is woman flourishing in their bird like costumes

I walk towards them, towards the light,

There is a beautiful figure standing in front of me dressed in Tazzman Uggs and smells of fresh eggs benedict.

I go to turn this mosaic around when a light misty rain falls on the friendly seeming face to which he says,

“What up cuh,”

In utter shock it was BOB ROSS.

In that moment clown fish began to fly the night sky 

They were not just orange and white, no they began to flutter with a new iridescent rainbow on them

I felt light 

I passed out

Arising, my hero, Jenifer Lawerence came to my rescue on a Pegasus 

She taps the controls on the old girl and la bamba begins to play, we begin to lift off.

Soaring in the night I was free

Sipping from the little dipper, I then spoke in french

“Puis-je aller aux toilettes”

I didn’t feel good, the mediterranean sea was coming

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