Take me back | Teen Ink

Take me back

September 21, 2023
By payton_buckman26 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
payton_buckman26 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Take me back

Oh, take me back

To a time were laughing out loud

Was not embarrassing

Take me back to a time

When it wasn’t


To be energetic and loud

Take me back to a time

Where I don’t cry every night

When there was no drama

When everyone wasn’t obsessed with themselves

When they weren’t fighting over a boy

When everything used to be normal

Take me back to that time


Take me back

I am still a little girl at heart

the way the people have become

Is hurting that little girl

The little girl

That was bubbly and always happy

But the world has hurt her

I just want to go back

Take me back

Take me back

Take me back

The author's comments:

I have gotten inspired to write this because of what has happened in my life and all the drama in life.

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